This is Not About Covid-19
I’m sure most of you are not surprised that the moment you clicked this article, this had nothing to do with Covid-19. Others might be quite well surprised that it’s not about the dreaded disease.
In fact, this whole article is about clickbait~ [Why couldn't you just be normal?]
It’s what people use to grab your attention and waste about 10 seconds or more of your time reading an article that either has the information you already know or will give you useless information you don’t need to know.
In some individual's eyes, it’s the most diabolical thing you can do. In contrast, others see it as more of a marketing tool. [Get on with it.]
I will; I will.
What I’m trying to say is clickbait is not good or bad. The only bad thing is when you use clickbait but don’t fulfill the promise you made with the title. If the information isn’t as bombastic as the title you made for it, maybe you should tone it down.
This can be said for hooks in novels. [And we’re back to writing.]
Leave me be.
Most people don’t actually hate clickbait; they hate having their hopes set up high only for it to slam into the ground, breaking every bone in their body like a jolly man snapping toothpicks.
It’s not easy making a living out here, and with the Information Age booming like rabbits in a pen. You are going to get random crap everywhere. So it’s totally understandable that you would do something to make your work stand out amongst the crowd.
[There’s nothing wrong with that.] Exactly, it’s okay to market your work and try to grab people’s attention. Just don’t lie to us. Don’t try to make something that everyone knows seems like it’s the best thing in the universe when you don’t believe it.
Instead, make your titles as important to the work that you are writing. Keep the promises you made when you wrote the title. You’ll get the recognition you need with time.
Honesty creates goodwill.
Before I dip off, I should preface that this is just my opinion and everything comes down to what you think of the whole clickbait thing. This isn’t a new topic, and I, for one, know that I’m not the first person to write about. The only reason why I’m writing about it because I see far too much on the platform.
“Five ways to make your story a masterpiece,” or “Three easy steps to creating remarkable characters.” Let’s me say this first, there are hundreds of ways to make remarkable characters. There is more than one road to success.
This is just a reminder to the writers, video creators, and business people out there. You can’t please everyone but do your best to be as honest as you can.
Keep your promises.
You don’t need to make your life more difficult than it is.
[You’ve used clickbait, haven’t you?] Yeah, and I’m sorry.
Thanks for reading.